
The Children’s Continence Service successfully manages children who have problems with soiling, wetting and toilet training problems.  Lisa has developed comprehensive programmes for bedwetting, Daytime wetting, Chronic Constipation with/without soiling and Toilet Training. 

BOSS of Your Bladder
(Bedwetting) Support

For children 5yrs+ and their families who find bedwetting a bother and are motivated to become dry.  There are many factors contributing to bedwetting and the most common one is abnormal daytime toileting habits.  A full continence assessment is completed and once the cause is identified, Lisa will develop an individualised BOSS plan for the child/family. Within a few months things do improve but if they still have bedwetting then an enuresis alarm would be considered.

First appointment and assessment can take up to 2 hours - $250
Follow up appointment - $125

BOSS of Your Bladder (Daytime)

For children 5 yrs+ who have persistent daytime wetting. It can cause a lot of stress for child especially if this is occurring frequent times when they are at school as other kids might tease them because of the smell.  It is common and about 6% of school age kids will have issues with wetting their pants.  Again, once a detailed continence assessment is completed with BOSS Bladder Training Plan, most children can achieve success within 6 six months.

First appointment and assessment can take up to 2 hours - $250
Follow up appointment - $125

(Pro-Motion Bowel Training)

For children 2 yrs+ who have chronic constipation with/without soiling. Constipation can affect 30% of kids and out of that 30% will go onto develop chronic constipation which can go on for years. The child may  loose control of their bowel function and have persistent soiling.  

Constipation can be complex and sneaky in it’s presentation as kids can poop every day, not complain of pain, but can still be constipated.  Lisa has a wealth of expertise in this area and see’s her input as life changing for many families who have struggled for years to get on top of their child’s constipation/soiling problem.

First appointment and assessment can take up to 2 hours - $250
Follow up appointment - $125


Are you a parent who is at the end of your tether trying to get your child out of nappies and on the toilet/potty? 

Is your child having tantrums whenever you try to get them on the toilet or potty?  

Is your child okay with weeing on the toilet/potty but totally refuses to do a poop in the toilet/potty?  

Do you have a child with additional needs who is having difficulty with toilet training? 

If this is you, then Lisa can help.  After a full consultation and knowing the personality and abilities  of your child she will give you a specific, staged toileting plan that will slowly transition your child out of nappies and onto to the toilet.

First appointment and assessment can take up to 2 hours - $250
Follow up appointment, 30min - 1 hour - $125

Education for all

I can deliver tailored made education sessions to health professionals, schools, early childhood teachers, parents, caregivers and children. This can range from a  short talk to children, to a full day’s training. I can deliver throughout New Zealand either face to face or via zoom.

Did you know…

  • A pull up or nappy for daytime or nigh time is around a $1 each. If they are having constant accidents in their undies they will go through maybe four or five changes of undies per day, or even a whole change of clothes. Often kids who wet the bed leak despite the pull up being on and the bed needs to get changed.  Yes, a huge amount of laundering each day which adds up.  Washing powder and electricity.

    Six months of your child having frequent accidents can cost over $250. 

  • Done in the UK about 10yrs ago where the calculated  the financial cost of bedwetting when one child wets the bed every night. It was a staggering £1,400 per year when everything was added up. Now with the cost of inflation it is possibly double that. In NZ dollars that would equate to around $6,000 per year.  

  • Lisa has had lots of success in achieving continence for all age groups of children and those children with additional needs. The cost of her service in the long run is far cheaper than continuing to manage and contain it.  Another thing that most parents get tired and frustrated and the constant washing and cleaning on top of everything else they have to do. 

  • Do not be put off with the cost of this service as Lisa can help so that your child can obtain the support they need.  Below are just some ways to find funding.  

    • You may get help through WINZ for specialist appointments for your child. 

    • If your child has a chronic medical condition like Faecal Soiling and is not toilet trained by the age of 5yrs then you can apply for ‘Child Disability Allowance’ through WINZ. Your Doctor would have to fill in the medical part of the form. Currently this is approximately $50 per week which would definitely help pay for the service provided. 

    • If you have Health Insurance you can check to see if the cost can be covered for your child 

    • If you received carer support allowance through your local NASC (Needs Assessment Service Coordination) then this can also be used to help pay the cost of the appointments. 

    • If your Child has a Disorder/Disability there may also be grants available from the Disability Organisations to help cover the costs.  It is always work enquiring if you are a member of a support organisation.